Among all the pictures and objects that tell so many stories, is my beautiful harmonium - the pump organ that i've had for lo, these 40 years or so. You can't take it with you, right? and i just can't take it at all anymore - too heavy, too big for a smaller space. But finding a loving home for it was a long journey that happily, I can say is now over. A good, singing friend who also happens to play the organ fell in love with its fine wood and carvings and rich sound.
we did it last Sunday (i got it to the door by myself, and then four big guys took over for the transfer to the pick-up truck). So, really, we, including my singer friend.
some pictures:
Me, giving a goodbye hug;
me being sad to see it go;
guido, visiting from holland, giving the move the thumb's up;
it's out of the house; now what do we do?
the proud new owners - wil and jacques
a creative moment - moi and guido and the great outdoors reflected
dennis giving instructions
first hoist
first turn and onto the planks to the truck
poosha poosh
poosh a little bitta more
that's-a nice now- jacques, frank, zoe, guido
dennis and zoe
wil and her new baby