A friend boarded the Toronto commuter train the other day downtown at Union Station, and headed east towards Peterboro. The first stop is very close to my place and passes the small park at the end of my street. So he phoned me and I ran out to my front door with my bright red shirt (pictured above when i was singing in Ireland, and what do you know? - also below last October). Well, I like that shirt, and it made a very visible flag for when i waved it madly as the train passed and he could see me out there like a fool in winter.
And last Friday we had a lot of fun performing in Canoe FM's Radio Hall. Lots of people came out and they enjoyed themselves immensely, which of course meant we did too.
That band is always fun.
I don't have the photos yet, but here's the gang in the fall: Ian Pay, Paul Greco, myself, John Deehan, and Paul Chilco. I will post more later, but in the meantime, listen to canoefm.com this Thursday at 6pm to relive the music (hoping the recording is true to the live sound)
and last night was the Maple Blues Awards, also always fun. Here's me and Harpdog Brown, winner - with Guy Belanger - of harp player of the year: